
A life in these times : Civilization, Democracy, Economics, Family, Ideas, Liberal, Life, Multi-Cultural, Principles, Progress, Science, Self, Truth.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Something around

Some blogs and articles that drew my attention while the offline world has me occupied.

Sanjana acting as Hell's Dire Agent appeals to the much needed Cudgel of Reason in Sri Lankan politics. John Quiggin has a very interesting discussion about the merits of pursuing political objectives by the use of force. Don Arthur is blogging at catalaxxy on how think tanks( aka NGOs ) capture the mainstream political discourse by creating dissent and legitimacy for their causes. Some weeks ago the staple of anti-racism in the west, Guns Germs and Steel, came under the gaze of the blogosphere.

The biological basis for race and the lack of purity from the NYT. The conservative movement is looking at new directions. The nature / nuture of homosexuality is written up at The Boston Globe. With all this how do men reclaim our masculinity?