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Friday, February 18, 2005

Purpose as a self-evident truth

it is a higher moral principle to pursue purposeful thought or behavior with someone else's purposeful goals in mind, and never pursue a purpose when it leads to someone else's loss of purpose

Thinking about the pupose of purpose this hypotheses/idea in the American Scientist approaches the realms of self-evident truths, at least in my view. Here are a few quotes
The atoms in my brain and body today are not the same ones I had when I was born. Nevertheless, the patterns of information coded in my DNA and in my neural memories are still those of Michael Shermer[note: the author]. The human essence, the soul, is more than a pile of parts—it is a pattern of information......

...Life's most basic purpose is survival and reproduction, and for 3.5 billion years, organisms from the pre-Cambrian to us form an unbroken continuity....

....Humans have an evolved sense of purpose—a psychological desire to accomplish goals—that developed out of behaviors that were selected for because they were good for the individual or the group....

...With provisional purpose we define our goals, but there is an inherent structure to the human condition that helps delimit our search...

[Removed Image:See Link]

...The width of the pyramid at each level reflects the degree to which purposeful sentiment is under evolutionary control. The height of each level indicates the degree to which purposeful sentiment extends beyond us.....

....Thomas Jefferson suggested one answer in a letter to Thomas Law in 1814: "These good acts give pleasure, but how it happens that they give us pleasure? Because nature hath implanted in our breasts a love of others, a sense of duty to them, a moral instinct, in short, which prompts us irresistibly to feel and to succor their distresses." .....

Purpose is personal, and people satisfy this deep-seated need in countless ways.....

....Morality and purpose are inextricably interdigitated—you cannot have one without the other.....
It will be interesting to see if biological and social sciences can go about trying to prove this hypothesis.

I feel like blogging a few more words on purpose. Take away the means to a purposeful life from someone and watch them fall into depression or act self-destructlively. IMHO, fullfilling the purpose principles in ourlives is an important (probably the most) part of an individuals abiltiy to lead the good life. Hopefully this will contribute more to Liberal Democratic ideals.


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